The "Third China" in the 21st Century

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President Trump and “Our ‘One-China’ Policy”

By John J. Tkacik


John Tkacik on China's Purchases

John Tkacik explains how the Chinese government is investing in high technology on CNN.


U.S.-China: illusions of partnership

 January 30, 2009
4:00 - Critical Issues in the Asia-Pacific Region

U.S.-China: illusions of partnership

By John J. Tkacik, Jr.

The central question for world peace in the 21st Century is “can we assume that China will be a partner for peace rather than an enabler of instability?”

The short answer is “I'm afraid not.” If global peace requires a stable international policy structure that encompasses the following goals:

State Department Legal Advisor: The Legal Status of Taiwan

Foreign Relations of the United States

July 13, 1971

To: EA/ROC – Mr. Charles T. Sylvester
From: L/EA – Robert I. Starr
Subject: Legal Status of Taiwan

You have asked for a comprehensive memorandum analyzing the question of the legal status of Taiwan in terms suitable for Congressional presentation. Attached is a paper that should serve this purpose. It is drawn mainly from the February 3, 1961 Czyzak memorandum, and contains no sensitive information or reference to classified documents.

Concurrence: L – Mr. Salans

China: An Unkind Century

Victims of Communism Memorial Virtual Museum

 China: An Unkind Century
Author: John Tkacik [1]

The Twentieth Century was unkind to the Chinese people. It began with the collapse in 1911 of the last imperial dynasty after decades of corruption, inept governance and social disintegration. From the wreckage of empire, provincial warlords struggled for power and profit at the expense of the people.



The attached .pdf is a photocopy of a Chronology of Formosan History from 605 a.d. to 1942 prepared in 1943 at the U.S. Department of State. I recovered it from the National Archives files of the Office of Chinese Affairs at the State Department.  While it is over 30 pages long and reflects dated research, it remains a fascinating summary of the island's history from ancient times through the Japanese colonial period and should prove invaluable to all scholars of Taiwan's history.

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