The "Third China" in the 21st Century

Previous Articles

China Pulls at Bush's Three Pillars

December 5, 2003
The Wall Street Journal ASIA

  Originally appeared in the Asian Wall Street Journal on December 5, 2003

Taiwan Must Grasp on True Defense Needs

December 3, 2003
Defense News

  Published on December 3, 2003 in Defense News

John Tkacik

Needed: A Realistic Look at China Policy

December 2, 2003
The Heritage Foundation

  Published on December 2, 2003

Don't Forget Democracy

November 12, 2003
The Wall Street Journal


Taipei Personality - Staring Down the Dragon

October 31, 2003
The New York Sun


Appeared in The New York Sun on October 31, 2003

by John Tkacik, Jr.

Technology Transfer from Taiwan to China: Is there a Risk?

April 4, 2003
Unpublished Remarks for Panel Discussion

 Technology Transfer from Taiwan to China: Is there a Risk?

by John J. Tkacik, Jr.

For two decades, American foreign policy operated on the premise that trade with China would have an inevitable liberalizing effect. This persisted after the Tiananmen crisis, and even after the 1996 Taiwan Strait missile crisis when Beijing attempted to intimidate Taiwanese voters from casting ballots for President Lee Teng-hui. It was at the foundation of Clinton's China policy and apparently undergirds the Bush policy as well.

2002: Parsing the U.S.-Taiwan "Alliance"

July 20, 2002
Issues and Studies

 The U.S.-Taiwan Alliance: Who’s in Charge?*

 by John J. Tkacik


Why the Department of Homeland Security Should Control Visas

July 12, 2002

 There is universal agreement in the Administration that the U.S. consuls abroad who adjudicate visa applications for foreigners and hopeful immigrants are among those on the first line of defense against global terrorism.1 The visa system in place on September 11 failed in this responsibility, allowing many of the terrorists to enter the United States unnoticed and bearing genuine visas.2

Gathering Clouds: One Country, Two Systems Isn't Working

June 28, 2002
The Wall Street Journal Asia

 By John J. Tkacik

Hong Kong has now been part of China for five years and only a few of the dire predictions of economic malaise and political suffocation that were so widespread among international pundits before 1997 have come true so far. But there are worrying signs of trouble ahead.

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