The "Third China" in the 21st Century

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China's imprints all over Copenhagen talks fiasco

January 14, 2010
The Washington Times p. A09

Global warming does not worry China, a fact that partially accounts for Chinese Prime Minister Wen Jiabao's shabby treatment of President Obama at the Copenhagen climate conference last month.

In an opinion column in Britain's Guardian newspaper, one insider was quoted as saying, "The truth is this: China wrecked the [Copenhagen] talks; intentionally humiliated Barack Obama; and insisted on an awful 'deal' so Western leaders would walk away carrying the blame."


China space program shoots for moon

January 8, 2010
Washington Times

In November, Chinese air force commander Gen. Xu Qiliang observed that "competition between military forces is now turning toward the realm of space, [and] military modernization is ceaselessly expanding into space."
But during his visit to Beijing a few days later, President Obama talked about "cooperation" rather than competition. In a joint statement with Chinese President Hu Jintao, the two leaders called for "a dialogue on human space flight and space exploration, based on the principles of transparency, reciprocity and mutual benefit."


BIOGRAPHIC ESSAY (2) The Two Centers of China’s Fourth Generation: Premier Wen Jiabao and Vice President Zeng Qinghong

January 1, 2010


The Two Centers of China’s Fourth Generation:  Premier Wen Jiabao and Vice President Zeng Qinghong



James R. Lilley - Thoughts on a perfect American ambassador

November 28, 2009
Taipei Times

By John Tkacik 譚慎格

Saturday, Nov 28, 2009, Page 8

James Lilley, who died on Nov. 12, served as the senior US diplomat in both Taipei and Beijing, and was therefore intensely interested in Taiwan-China interactions. But he also had a healthy skepticism of the supposed benefits of cross-strait peace if it meant Taiwan were to be absorbed by China. Jim’s uppermost concerns were the values of freedom and democracy and the interests of the American people.


China: No longer 'rising'

October 8, 2009
Washington Times

Beijing's 60th National Day celebrations last week featured a "Springtime for Mao" battalion of high-stepping, 5-foot-11 female army recruits decked out in hot magenta miniskirts, white boots and petite submachine guns.

Media Analysis: China Ties with North Korea Undiminished

September 22, 2009

Media Analysis: China Ties with North Korea Undiminished


Visits by top China delegations to Pyongyang coincided with Clinton's

September 9, 2009
GeoStrategy Direct

by John J. Tkacik

The curious appearances in Pyongyang of senior Chinese propaganda and intelligence delegations simultaneous to Bill Clinton's early August visit coincided with false rumors that China had halted "vanadium" shipments to North Korea and had shut down a copper mine operation in the country. The Clinton visit turned out to be a propaganda coup for "Dear Leader" Kim Jong Il. Is there more to China-North Korea amity than meets the untrained eye?

The U.S. Doesn't Recognize China's Claims to Taiwan

September 1, 2009
Wall Street Journal

It may be ancient history, but Richard V. Allen's memory of Nixon's Taiwan policy is garbled ("The Next Step in the Taiwan-China Dance," Aug. 17). As a U.S. foreign service officer I worked on China and Taiwan affairs for 20 years, and I can attest that the U.S. has never subscribed to China's territorial claims on Taiwan. Nor did President Richard Nixon ever publicly articulate such a policy.


Hu you gonna to call? Pyongyang gets Chinese advice on Bill Clinton

August 17, 2009

 Hu you gonna to call? Pyongyang gets Chinese advice on Bill Clinton

By John J. Tkacik, Jr.

Hu you gonna to call? Pyongyang gets Chinese advice on Bill Clinton

August 9, 2009
East-Asia Intelligence

Sometime in the last days of July, Kim Jong Il had nailed down former U.S. President Bill Clinton's scheduled arrival in Pyongyang to petition "Dear Leader" for the pardon of imprisoned U.S. journalists Euna Lee and Laura Ling. That was when the Chinese Communist Party's Politburo Standing Committee must have decided to send the Party's Central Propaganda Department Senior Vice Minister, Luo Shugang, to North Korea for five days of in-depth consultations with the "Dear Leader" and top Korean Workers Party counterparts.


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