Washington Must Head Off European Arms Sales to China
Taipei Personality - Staring Down the Dragon
Appeared in The New York Sun on October 31, 2003
by John Tkacik, Jr.
China Pulls at Bush's Three Pillars
Originally appeared in the Asian Wall Street Journal on December 5, 2003
Beijing Reads Democracy in Hong Kong the (Pat)Riot Act
Published on February 19, 2004
Cambridge researcher claims to have found backdoor on Chinese made chip?
This is slightly less cut-and-dried malevolence than it first appeared. Here is a link to a review of the paper.
Washington clear on administration of the Senkakus
To the Editor of the Financial Times
Analysis: Geography, not economy, counts in China's rebalancing
Someone sent me an interesting analysis from Reuters on China's economic development (
Taiwan Nukes, North Korean Nukes
Taiwan Nukes, North Korean Nukes
James R. Lilley - China Hands: Nine Decades of Adventure, Espionage, and Diplomacy in Asia
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